🔄Rotate & Assign Requests

With Pagerly, you can effectively manage your request queue by categorizing tasks and assigning them to specific individuals based on their skills and availability.

You can manage

  • External Requests

  • Tickets

  • Incidents

  • Bugs

  • Alerts

  • Notifications

This not only streamlines the workflow but also ensures that the tasks are handled by the right people, leading to improved efficiency and productivity. Furthermore, Pagerly provides real-time updates and notifications, keeping everyone on the team informed and reducing the chances of miscommunication or delays.

Approve & Reject Assignment

The assignee has the following options

  • Approve

  • Reject

  • Assign to Next

  • Actions

Actions include further acgtions that the user can take

  • Create a Dedicate Channel

  • Create Ticket / Incident

  • Integrate with any other tool

How to Assign Requests?

There are multiple ways to assign requests

  • Manually Tagging using @Pagerly

  • Converting Message to Task

  • Use Emoji

  • Auto assign for every Message on a Channel

Manually Tagging

Use @Pagerly assign <team> to assign a message to team member rotated user

Convert Message into Task

Click on 3 dots and select create a task on Slack (Check here for details)

Use Emojis

Use your custom emojis and set rules to assign the requests to a team .

Checkout here for more details

Auto Assign ( On every Message)

Last updated