๐Ÿ“Retrieving OpsGenie API Key

This section covers if you integrating OpsGenie. If you are using any other tool you can skip this section

To view/read/write API Key in Opsgenie, you need to have Owner / Admin Role.

There are 2 ways to get to OpsGenie API Key

Use an existing Key

You can retrieve your existing key from Get the API key from here :


Note: For Pagerly to work fully, we would need the API key with 3 Access Rights: Read, Create and Update, Configuration Access

Generate a new Key

You can create a new key for Pagerly :

  1. In the web app, navigate to Settings (https://<opsgenie-account>.app.opsgenie.com/settings)

  1. Go to API Settings and then click API Key Management

  2. Click Add new API Key

  3. Generate a new API Key with 3 Access Rights: Read, Create and Update, Configuration Access

Permission levels

Pagerly needs only 3 Access Rights: Read, Create and Update, Configuration Access

Details below about all the Permission scope in OpsGenie API Key:

Permission Scope


Only Read data from your Opsgenie account

Create and Update

Can read and write data

Configuration access

For OpsGenie APIs to work


Delete any resource ( Pagerly does not need this Role)

The next Step is to create a team

Last updated