📖How To Add Rotation in Pagerly

This section covers creating rotations in Pagerly without Paging Tool.

Follow the following steps to Add Rotation in Pagerly

  1. Go to your Home view in Pagerly App in Slack

  2. Click Add Rotation

  3. Choose Rotation Frequency, Rotation Day, Time , Timezone:

    1. Rotation Frequency : The Rotation period: Daily, Weekly

      1. Daily Rotation: With the daily rotation frequency, team members will take turns based on a daily schedule. This is useful for tasks or responsibilities that need to be distributed evenly on a daily basis, ensuring a fair and consistent rotation among team members.

      2. Weekly Rotation: The weekly rotation frequency allows team members to alternate their responsibilities on a weekly basis. This option provides a longer duration for each rotation, giving individuals more time to focus on their assigned tasks and reducing the frequency of transitions.

      3. BiWeekly Rotation : The weekly rotation frequency allows team members to alternate their responsibilities every 2 weeks.

      4. Monthly Rotation: The monthly rotation frequency allows team members to alternate their responsibilities on a monthly basis.

    2. Rotation Day: Which day does the rotation end/start

      1. For Daily Rotation, you have All 7 days, Monday-Friday, Monday-Saturday

      2. For Weekly Rotation, you can choose any day of the week

    3. Time: At which time the rotation end/start

  4. Add users to include in the rotation. The users should be added in the order of rotation i.e. the first user would be the first assignee when the rotation is starting. You can preview the final rotation in the preview section.

  5. Preview the Rotation

  6. Select Next and Create Team

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